Guides are the way tha we found to teach you how to perform some actions from our system and bellow we provide anchors so that you can go straight to the each guide.
Claim is the way our system have to prove that a server registered from our bot is yours. In order to claim a unclaimed server you should follow the following steps:
file from your minecraft servermotd
key to <YOUR CLAIM CODE> save and restart your minecrat serverclaim
again and restore the motd
key to original valueRemember to change <YOUR CLAIM CODE> to the code provided in your profile page.
Back to topicsIn order to make the integration with Votifier works you should have installed and configured Votifier plugin on your server and take note of votifier address, port and public key.
After this you should do steps:
Use Votifier
Votifier Address
fieldVotifier Public Key
textarea paste your public keyThe Votifier address
and port
are configured under plugins/Votifier/config.yml
and your public key
is located inside the file plugins/Votifier/rsa/public.key
Make a banner for your server is simple and do not require any special program for that. Just keep that your banner should be 468x60px.
or Gimp
If you want to remove a server registred by you, just click on Remove button from your admin panel otherwise you should do one of the following steps:
with the server code or url to be deleted.Note: Just keep in mind that if choose the second option, the email must be under same domain of ip/host of the server.
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